Brug Waalhaven

Construsoftbimawards - Brug Waalhaven
Category Infrastructure Projects
Year 2017
Country Benelux
Organization Duwi Design
Author IPV Delft
Place of construction Rotterdam

Bridge for pedestrians in the Waalhaven in Rotterdam. The purpose of the bridge is to cross 6 railways of the ProRail range area. The bridge is accessible for pedestrians and for cyclists who can push their bikes up the stairs through a special bike-wheel-gutter.
The bridge is placed on a concrete foundation, with steel portals to support the bridge deck, steel railings and stairs. Special feature are the railings of 25 mm. perforated steel plates. These plates have a top and bottom flange in order to form an I-section beam which supports the complete span of the bridge deck. The plates are perforated with diamonds constantly changing in size. Beside the railings the bridge has a couple of other special features as well, like the very slim bended steelplate stair steps and similar slim strip steel staircase railings with steel wire knee rails.

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