Chateau Castigno

Construsoftbimawards - Chateau Castigno
Category Public Interest Projects
Year 2017
Country Benelux
Organization Vulsteke Industrial
Author Lionel Jadot & Fronton Architecture
Place of construction Assignan France

We’re building a “Chai” ( a wine storages and production building ) in a small village called Assignan situated in the south region of France.The wine estate is called “Chateau Castigno” and is owned by a Belgian vine grower. The building is in the shape of a wine bottle placed obliquely and leaning on multiple columns. Underneath there’s a wine cave which is accessible by stairs or elevator. Surface of the building is approximately 1.300 m². Construction started in October 2016 and will be fished July 2017. Total price of the project 3 million euros.

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