Koliber Hummingbird Skyscraper

Construsoftbimawards - Koliber Hummingbird Skyscraper
Category Student Projects
Year 2017
Country Poland
Organization Politechnika Łódzka
Author Aleksandra Bugała, Magdalena Szkatulska, Joanna Woźniak, Adam Rakowski, Norbert Wiktorowicz
Place of construction Łódź, Poland

Designed building is an office building, the headquarters of a company manufacturing multi-core processors. Its architectural form is directly linked with its function as it refers to a wing of a hummingbird, symbolizing speed and microscopic dimensions. The structure of building contains two main parts – the base and the core. The facades are made mostly of non-transparent glass panels. The transparent glass covers staircases and provides a large amount of daylight inside the building.
The main structure of the building is flat slab. Loads are transferred by columns and concrete core directly onto slab foundation and to the ground by a system of pile foundations. Spatial stiffness is provided by a concrete core, localized in the higher part of the building, and by a steel truss made of rectangular hollow sections which also supports glass facades of staircases and roof. In the lower part of the building longitudinal concrete walls were designed which add stiffness to the structure. The skyscraper has 23 above-ground levels and 1 underground level. Lower part of the building has 21,0m of height above ground level whereas the highest point of the building is situated at 119,6m above ground level. At the top an observation deck is situated, technical floors are in the basement and in the upper part of the building.
The ventilation in the building was designed as mechanical supply and exhaust system with heat recovery. Two ventilation centrals will be located on the underground level, in the opposite end of the building. This solution allows to reduce diameters of ventilation ducts and to the velocity of air flow, not causing additional noise in the installation. Outside air is drawn from vents open to the exterior. Main ventilation ducts are located in opposite areas of the building, smaller ducts are situated in the area of suspended ceiling. Fresh air will be supplied near windows while exhaust ducts will be located near walls in order to force natural circulation of air caused by temperature difference. The amount of air supplied is designed as not to cause any thermal discomfort of people inside the building.
Designed building is an office building, the headquarters of a company manufacturing multi-core processors. Its architectural form is directly linked with its function as it refers to a wing of a hummingbird, symbolizing speed and microscopic dimensions. The structure of building contains two main parts – the base and the core. The facades are made mostly of non-transparent glass panels. The transparent glass covers staircases and provides a large amount of daylight inside the building.
The main structure of the building is flat slab. Loads are transferred by columns and concrete core directly onto slab foundation and to the ground by a system of pile foundations. Spatial stiffness is provided by a concrete core, localized in the higher part of the building, and by a steel truss made of rectangular hollow sections which also supports glass facades of staircases and roof. In the lower part of the building longitudinal concrete walls were designed which add stiffness to the structure. The skyscraper has 23 above-ground levels and 1 underground level. Lower part of the building has 21,0m of height above ground level whereas the highest point of the building is situated at 119,6m above ground level. At the top an observation deck is situated, technical floors are in the basement and in the upper part of the building.
The ventilation in the building was designed as mechanical supply and exhaust system with heat recovery. Two ventilation centrals will be located on the underground level, in the opposite end of the building. This solution allows to reduce diameters of ventilation ducts and to the velocity of air flow, not causing additional noise in the installation. Outside air is drawn from vents open to the exterior. Main ventilation ducts are located in opposite areas of the building, smaller ducts are situated in the area of suspended ceiling. Fresh air will be supplied near windows while exhaust ducts will be located near walls in order to force natural circulation of air caused by temperature difference. The amount of air supplied is designed as not to cause any thermal discomfort of people inside the building.

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