Passerelle Dieren

Construsoftbimawards - Passerelle Dieren
Category Infrastructure Projects
Year 2017
Country Benelux
Organization Ingenieursgroep Romkes B.V. by order of Buiting
Author Ingenieursgroep Romkes B.V.
Place of construction Dieren

The project is named “Passerelle Dieren” and consists of two walkway-bridges with a span of approximately 24m which connects 3 train-platforms to each other but also connects Dieren-North with Dieren-South. Together with Buiting Staalbouw BV Almelo and in order of Reef Infra / Prorail we designed and constructed the total steel-,glass- and timber construction of the Passerelle (design by Onix Architects). The complete model includes the design/ modelling of the main steel construction of 2 walkway-bridges. These bridges are suspended onto 3 different support structures each with one or two stairs and an elevator. The walkway-brides are welded I-profiles which are welded to the bottom floor-beams. The shape of the 3 support structures are taken from the architectural design and are constructed as X- and Y-shaped structures. The complete structure (steel, glass and timber) is modelled in TEKLA Structures. The 3D model is also used as input for the 3D FE Analysis that were also performed by our office. With the use of TEKLA the overview drawings for approval by the authorities, workshop drawings, lists and machine files are made for fabrication. Additional support structures for each installation phase were modelled and worked out for fabrication. The design, modelling, workshop-drawings, fabrication and installation all were made in a fixed schedule because of the temporary closure of the rail tracks. This was also achieved by working with a multi-user model. Installation of the pre-fabricated parts succeeded with a 100% fit.

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