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Glass Recycling Station

Construsoftbimawards - Glass Recycling Station
Categoria Projectos Industriais
Ano 2021
País Poland
Organização OMNIKON Sp. z o.o.
Autor Rafał Kossakowski
Co-autores Maciej Listewnik, Manuela Sobolewska, Marlena Gradowska, Piotr Zaborski, Karol Nowak
Cliente Dryden Aqua
Local de construção Bonnyrigg, Szkocja

Naszym celem było zaprojektowanie rozbudowy fabryki w której znajduje się linia technologiczna do uzdatniania wody.
Naszym klientem był jeden z liderów na światowym rynku w tej dziedzinie, firma Dryden Aqua.
Największym wyzwaniem było skoordynowanie branż, w tym wypadku konstrukcyjnej i mechanicznej.
Dzięki możliwości wymiany modeli udało się uniknąć kolizji miedzy elementami konstrukcji stalowej i maszynami już na początku procesu projektowania.
Wszystkie elementy dokumentacji wykonawczej zostały przygotowane w programie TEKLA.

The goal was for our company to extend and improve the technological line in Dryden Aqua Factory in Scotland.
Dryden Aqua is one of the largest manufacturer of glass filtration media. As marine biologists, we have a unique knowledge combination and detailed understanding of the biological as well as the physio-chemical reactions in water.
It was a huge chalange to provide our client with the complete steelwork and the new technological lines which were necessary to develope the entire process.
The most difficult part of this project was to addapt the new structures and maintanance platform to existing ones.
Thanks to brilliant cooperation between branches of industry in this case between structural and mechanical departaments we were able to achive our goal.
We were able to exchange models and directly implement them to our software. As a result we managed to avoid making collisions between the machines and the supporting steelwork at the very beginning.
After preprating and getting the confirmation for the 3d model we could start preparing a workshop documentation.
Because of the size of the whole structure we needed to divide it into parts. That’s why every drawing was directly dedicated to partical section and easy to work with for the manufacturer.

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