Bezoekerscentrum Vijversburg Tytsjerk

Construsoftbimawards - Bezoekerscentrum Vijversburg Tytsjerk
Kategória Kereskedelmi projektek
Év 2017
Ország Benelux
Szervezet Matel Metaal BV
Szerző Studio MAKS Rotterdam
Társszerzők Steinfort glas
Ügyfél Matel Metaal BV
Az építmény helye Vijversburg

It concerns a state of the art pavilion made out of glass, its function is a visitors center for “Park Groot Vijversberg” in the village of Tytsjerk. The design of the pavilion is created towards stimulating the general experience of the park, and fits in the natural atmosphere. The exterior of the pavilion has a transparent appearance, and is therefore able to blur away in the green environment. Additionally, in order to create appropriate proportions relative to the main building the overall design has taken height differences in regard. This allows to generate the optimal experience for the visitors of the park.

It concerns a state of the art pavilion made out of glass, its function is a visitors center for “Park Groot Vijversberg” in the village of Tytsjerk. The design of the pavilion is created towards stimulating the general experience of the park, and fits in the natural atmosphere. The exterior of the pavilion has a transparent appearance, and is therefore able to blur away in the green environment. Additionally, in order to create appropriate proportions relative to the main building the overall design has taken height differences in regard. This allows to generate the optimal experience for the visitors of the park.

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